When babies are born, they are well hydrated and remain so if your mother continues breastfeeding day and night, even if the weather becomes drier. Give water to breastfed babies do more harm than good. However, some mothers continue to feed their babies with water and formula in the first six months of breastfeeding is recommended. This occurs in many adverse health effects contributors Baby countries. Experts recommend that mothers breastfeed their babies for the first six months for proper development, growth and survival of their children.
Babies nutrients and energy needed is provided during lactation. It also reduces infant mortality caused by diarrhea, pneumonia and other diseases caused by contaminants in infant formula. Babies recover more quickly from illness when breastfed regularly and helps families space their children.
For good health of infants, it is necessary to regulate fluid intake. The average daily water requires 80 to 100 babies covers ml / kg in the first week of light at 140-160 ml / kg for three to six months. A breastfed baby receives these quantities if administered alone, without restrictions for two reasons:
The water in the breast milk of a mother contains the quantity of water needed to ensure the safety of your baby. Even if a child becomes a little water in the first milk (colostrum), no additional water is needed, receive extra water in kind at birth. More water is supplied in the milk of the mother in the third or fourth day of breastfeeding.
Water is very important for babies to remove solutes. These are substances such as sodium, nitrogen, potassium and chloride. Since breast milk is 88 percent water, which is low in solutes. Babies kidneys so immature to three months, are able to expel these solutes in the urine to maintain a healthy and balanced body.
Why water is harmful to babies less than six months? You can have a significant impact on the survival, growth and development of the baby. Even a small amount of liquid can cause the baby to lose appetite for milk. It can reduce the consumption of breast milk by up to 11 percent. Infants fed sugar water causes increased weight loss and reduces the immune system to fight common diseases. It also brings on organisms that cause diarrhea, especially if the water used is not properly treated.
What children need in six months? Infants six to eleven months are not water if they continue breastfeeding. Other water sources can come from fruits, vegetables or small amounts of boiled water after every meal fed. Mothers should ensure that water or other liquids do not replace breast milk, if some rich nutritious food diluted vitamin. Soups, broths and other foods for infants fed waterfall below the nutritional value needed to help maintain good health.
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